Alexander Hugh [Hon] WILLOUGHBY
   Birth :  18 September 1863
   Baptism :   
   Died :  5 December 1927
   Buried :
   Father :  Henry [8th Baron Middleton] WILLOUGHBY 
   Mother :  Julia Louisa BOSVILLE-MACDONALD 
   Marriage 1 :  Mary Selina Honoria BOSVILLE-MACDONALD 14 August 1899  
   Children : James Alexander(Bir) 31 July 1890 - 22 November 1955
 Joe Henry Claude [Capt](Bir) 25 January 1892 - 
 Ernest Hugh(Bir) November 1893 - 7 March 1894

  Henry [8th Baron Middleton] WILLOUGHBY  
 Alexander Hugh [Hon] WILLOUGHBY  
  Alexander William Robert [12bt of Sleat] BOSVILLE-MACDONALD  
  Matilda Eliza Moffatt BAYARD  

Source :Mary MacLean of Duart by Linda Bennion
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