Mull Census Search
Enter Surname and Forename Other person in same household Census Year Individual Only
Surname Forename Forename From To
Use of Search

Entry of a Surname is mandatory. Returned listings will detail of all those with a matching or similar associated surname. Entry of 'Mc' will return 'Mac' entries. Entry of 'McGilvray' will return many variations of the surname spelling. Other variations may have to be searched separately. Entry of 'McEachern' will return 'McEachern' and 'MacKechnie', etc. Please notify the webmaster if having made a search you indentify surnames that should have been returned but where not.

Entry of a Forename will reduce the number of possible matches. The returned listing will detail all households that contain an individual with the surname and forename entered provided that the 'Individual Only' check box has not been selected. If the 'Individual Only' check box has been selected i.e. contains a tick, the returned listing will list those individuals with the entered name. The search will return known matching or similar associated forenames ie Sarah as well as Marion.

Entry of a Surname, Forename and second Forename will return household details where at least two people in the household match with the entered names. Use of this search makes it easier to identify married couples where both forenames are known. When a second Forename is entered, the 'Individual Only' setting is ignored.

Important Note - Please remember that census records can be far from accurate. Records shown on this website cannot be guaranteed 100% accurate because of the inaccuracies in transcription from often barely unreadable copy. This assumes that the census enumerator faithfully recorded the information in the first place. There are stories of enumerators not going to many household because of there remoteness and/or weather conditions and recording the details from memory.

True genealogists will not rely on these records but obtain certified copies of census records via the official body Scotlandspeople

Scottish Census Data - Crown Copyright © General Register Office for Scotland.

This function will search the following Mull, Iona and other local island sections of the 1841 to 1911 (inclusive) census records.